
Suzanne Crifo teaching a solid of revolutionSummer Session I 2019: MA 305-002 Introductory Linear Algebra and Matrices, Instructor
Information regarding the course, including the syllabus, updated class schedule, and resources can be found on the class Moodle site. That is where I will record students' grades as well.

Helpful Links for Students:
Department of Mathematics MMC Tutoring
WebAssign NCSU Login
NCSU Academic Calendar
NCSU Final Exam Calendar
Disability Services Office

Previous Courses:
Fall 2018: MA 131-003 Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A, Instructor
Summer 2018:
 MA 241-001 Calculus II, Instructor
Spring 2018: MA 405-002 Introduction to Linear Algebra and Matrices, PTP Instructor
Fall 2017: MA 114-001 Introduction to Finite Mathematics with Applications, Teaching Assistant
               MA 405-002 Introduction to Linear Algebra and Matrices, PTP Teaching Assistant
Summer Session II 2017: MA 132 Computational Mathematics for Life and Management Sciences, Instructor
Spring 2017: MA 141-005 Calculus 1, Recitation Leader
Fall 2016: MA 131-001 Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A, Instructor
Summer Session I 2016: MA 114-002 Introduction to Finite Mathematics with Applications, Instructor
Spring 2016: MA 114-001 Introduction to Finite Mathematics with Applications, Instructor
Fall 2015: MA 131-002 Calculus for Life and Management Sciences A, Recitation Leader
Fall 2014: MA 341-003 Applied Differential Equations I, Teaching Assistant